God is holy. As a result, He has zero tolerance for sin. He, therefore, commands that all his children must be dead to sin and always resist sin to the point of shedding blood (Hebrews 12:4). The consequences of sin are so grievous, and therefore, in our journey to heaven, we must always beware of sin as it will rob us from enjoying the best of God (Romans 6:23, Numbers 14:28-33).
What is sin?
Sin is a transgression against the law of God. Sin usually occurs when you intentionally perform actions contrary to the will and the word of God.
Categories of Sin
Sin can be broadly classified into the following categories:
- Sin by Action: These are sins committed when we deliberately or intentionally go against the instructions and commandments of God. In Genesis 4:3-12, Cain killed Abel against the law. It also includes robbing God of all your tithe on all incomes (Malachi 3:8-10). In addition, it involves abusing your position or using your position to terrorize, victimize, or oppress others (Matthew 18:22-34).
- Sin by Inaction: When you intentionally decide to mind your business at a point when you are expected to have taken action or done something. When you refuse to render the needed help, you are culpable of sin by inaction (Luke 16:19-31, Luke 10:30-37).
- Sin of Delayed Action: These are sins of deliberately acting late in situations requiring urgent and prompt attention. The sin of delayed action is when you procrastinate on the help or good thing you must do (Joshua 11:21-22; 1 Samuel 17:4-8).
Sin is an abomination to God. The only thing that can separate you from God is your sin. Every Christian should constantly be aware of sin and must never downplay it or take it lightly.